Rightside Rock

Rightside Rock offers some perspective and songs (below) from the conservative, right side of life in an America that has been pushed toward Socialism for decades by radical leftist forces from inside and outside of our country.

Our kids are taught lies about life and about America

Our K-12 and college kids have been brainwashed by leftist school administrations for over two generations to believe that America is inherently racist and evil. Instead of hearing the truth about America they have been lied to about a utopia that promises perfect social harmony.

The utopia never arrives in any system of governmenet that promises it. Instead a powerful intrusive government appears, ultimately becoming a totalitarian communist regime that crushes all freedom and controls every aspect of citizens lives. State controlled censorship allows absolutely no dissent which we are seeing glimpses of now with cancel culture.

If you believe Socialism is a good thing

Take an honest look at the poverty and restricted lives of citizens in Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Zimbabwe or any place a socialist or communist regime is in power.

The end of America as we know it

The Marxist menace Barrack Hussein Obama promised to transform America which many uninformed and misled citizens believed would be a new improved America. What he really meant was the end of America as we know it and in it's place a one party, tyranical, socialist state. He purposefully created divisions in the nation along all possible lines during his 8 years in office paving the way for the insane woke cancel culture we now live in.

Election fraud must be challenged and election integrity restored NOW

The 2020 presidential election was fraudulent in a number of swing states which resulted in an illegitimate victory for Joe Biden. The left says any one challenging the election results is disseminating misinformation. It is they who are disseminating misinformation in the cover up of the fraud that was committed.

Our court system all the way up to the supreme court refused to hear the cases of thousands of witness who directly witnessed voter fraud. All cases were dismissed on technical or lack of standing grounds. This is an outrage and represents the real fraud that has occurred and continues to this day.

Donald Trump moved our country away from this destructive form of government toward an America that existed before the leftists took control of so much of American life. We must right the election fraud and send Donald Trump to The White House for a second term.

Stand up, Push back and rid our country of the scourge of socialism!

Now, more than ever, American Patriots must stand up and rid our country of this socialist disease and all who promote it. If we do not, the America we know and love will cease to exist! Being conservative is no longer enough as there is nothing left to conserve.

All the institutions that have been the bedrock of America have been taken over by leftists who use them to disseminate hatred, lies and destructive policies that are tearing our nation apart. These people are no longer those on the other side of the aisle. They are tyrannical revolutionaries bent on destroying America and rebuilding it as a corrupt socialist state. We cannot let this happen. We must become counter revolutionaries and stop them, by any and all means necessary.

Our Declaration of Independence solution for tyrannical government

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


This song is about the name crooked Hillary gave to America's 75 million patriots (probably many more). Meant to demean us this name actually describes, when looked at another way, who we really are. It is a hooray for our side!

Fake News
Fake News speaks for itself. The main stream media has become the totally corrupt propaganda arm of the Democrat party. They should all be tried and punished as the traitors they are to this country.

We are Code Talkers
Code Talkers is a shout out to the brave Navaho Marines who used their virtually unknown language to send battlefield messages the enemy could not decode and understand. Their valiant efforts helped achieve victory in war of the Pacific.

Silent Sam
This song was written in 2018 at the time cowards tore down the statue of a confederate soldier known as Silent Sam on the UNC campus in Chapel Hill, NC. The song was modified in 2020 to include the destruction brought by BLM and Anitifa Marxists who burned and looted many American cities and wantonly tore down statues of America's founders, past leaders and even abolitionists.

Bull Dog Road
This song has no political viewpoint. It looks at those in poverty who are always with us in spite of the many efforts over time to end poverty.

Fight for America
This song is about the disastrous shift toward communism occurring in our country and how they've accelerated under the hard left corrupt policies of the Biden administration.

The Ballad of Barrack Hussein Obama
Written about the true nature of 44th president of the United States.

Words and Music Copyright © 2020 RightSideRock